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(1 edit)

So, I've been playing this a while - it's very addicting and a very nice take on the genre. It seems very balanced, and feels good to play :)

One complaint I have is that placement rules can sometimes be super annoying - having to place a doodle adjacent to another doodle is almost never going to be taken, while later in the game, placing a ribbon not adjacent to anything else is pretty much going to give you 0-1 points.

Additionally, sometimes you get 2 choices which are identical. It would be nice if you somehow removed both this and the special cases from above.

Other than that it's a great game! Edit: Managed to clip 100! Current high score is 106 :)

73 on my second attempt.

Nice! My personal best is 98!

A list of "what scores what" would be cool.

The ? in the top left opens up a menu that does just that, unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean.

It might be helpful to highlight that little (?) in some way on the first turn - I figured it out eventually, but I didn't notice it until halfway through my first playthrough.


Love this! Would be great if there was a way to hold down the mouse/spacebar to speed up scoring at the end. 

Noted! I'll see what I can do about that.


Thank you!